On Sun, 07 Dec 2008 23:14:34 +0100, Kartikaya Gupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The editor's draft of the XHR spec doesn't say when to clear the error flag. Based on experimentation I'm guessing it's supposed to be cleared in step 21 of the open() algorithm. Is this correct?

Yeah. Though it should probably also be cleared the moment you invoke send().

Also, will the IDL be updated to reflect exceptions thrown from the various methods and property accessors? This may already be on the to-do list, but I thought I'd mention it in case it wasn't.

I was not planning on doing this. It makes the IDL unreadable in my opinion and I believe it is not required in Web IDL (and if it is we should change that :-)).

Anne van Kesteren

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