Hey Lachlan,

thanks for tracking this down.

On Feb 13, 2009, at 14:23 , Lachlan Hunt wrote:
But now that the NSResolver has been removed, the consistency reasoning no longer really applies. The benefit to debugging still sort-of does, but it is certainly debatable.

Given that adding NSResolver (or something like it) is potential for v2, it might be best to keep the thinking that brought us here from it?

There are 2 problems with changing the spec now to use the default behaviour instead of defining the empty string:
1. We are getting ready to go to PR.  It would be rather annoying to
  have to hold up this for much longer.  Although I generally don't
  like letting bureaucratic issues like this get in the way of doing
  things, if it can be avoided.

I reckon that if it had to be done, given the size of the change you could get the major stake-holder to okay the change publicly and still go to PR claiming that LC was done through the commenting and that a zero-length CR is fine. Hey, it can feel wrong yet be sooo right.

Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/
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