On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 9:47 AM, Thomas Landspurg
<thomas.landsp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>    Hello,
>   I am a little bit late in the debate, but I agree with scott proposal and
> arguments. Ideally the widget itself shoud not be aware of HTML5 storage
> implementation, even if the widget storage API use the same signature . And
> mostly because of the same need: some architecture would require a server
> side implementation of the settings instead of a client side, especially if
> you want to provide the same account on different platforms.

Hmm.. i'm a bit confused. My proposal was to use a server side backend
for the .localStorage API. This would mean that there is no need to
introduce a new API.

>From my understanding of the original issue that was brought up in
this thread, using a separate API rather than .localStorage would only
be a short term solution, until browsers start natively supporting the
widget API. So that does not seem like a good solution.

However it seems possible to use other solutions to implement a server
side backend for localStorage by using the callbacks defined in the
HTML5 spec.

/ Jonas

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