Hi Art, All,

Please find below my editorial comments and requests for clarifications
based on the new WD [1]. While it is a long list the comments are all
minor and so hopefully easily addressed. Overall I think the spec is
looking good, for which a lot of thanks must go to Frederick and Marcos!

That said, I have a couple of more substantive comments that I will send
in the next couple of days.

Many thanks,


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-widgets-digsig-20090331/   



"A widget package can be signed by the author of the widget producing an
[XMLDSIG11] signature that cryptographically includes all of the file
entries other than signature files. A widget package can also be signed
by one or more distributors, with XML signatures that each
cryptographically includes all of the non-signature file entries as well
as any author signature."

Change the last sentence for consistency between definitions, ie:

"... A widget package can also be signed by one or more distributors
<change> of the widget, producing [XMLDSIG11] </change> signatures that
each cryptographically includes all of the non-signature file entries as
well as any author signature."

Can we remove the following sentence? This is a general property of
signatures which I'm not sure we need to include.
"Digitally signing implies use of private key material only known by the
signer, thus enabling verification of integrity and signature source."


We don't actually define any XML elements in the
"http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets-digsig"; namespace... is this worth noting
this and/or removing the "wsig" prefix?

The terms "XML elements" and "resources" seem to be used
interchangeably? Is there a difference?

"Algorithms used by XML Security are defined in a number of places..." -
could we tighten up this sentence, eg something like "This specification
references algorithms defined in [XMLSecAlgs] and [XMLDSIG11]" ? 


"compressed (or Stored)" - either remove capitalisation of Stored or add
it to compressed

"physical file" -> file ?
"top-most path level" - is there a better way of saying this? 
"which MAY logically contain" - if the configuration file is made
mandatory then the MAY should be a MUST
Question: is a file entry the same as a file? If so then we should
always use "file entry" in place of "file". If not then perhaps we
should define file?

"(i.e., a third party that is distributing the widget on behalf of the
author)." - in some cases the author may also be (one of) the
distributor(s). suggest changing "i.e." to "e.g."


"As well as sections marked as non-normative, examples and notes in this
specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification
is normative. The security considerations section is non-normative."
Suggest change to the following for readability: 
"As well as sections marked as non-normative, the examples and notes,
and security considerations in this specification are non-normative.
Everything else in this specification is normative."  


"This section defines how to locate digital signatures in a widget
package for processing. An implementation MUST achieve the same result
as the following algorithm used to locate digital signatures in a widget

In the sentence above, change "digital signatures" to "signature files"
(in both cases)

"This MAY be determined by the security policy used by the user agent."

Can we say will or, better yet, SHOULD or MUST? Otherwise, what do we
mean when we say MAY? Who (what) else may enforce security policy?

"Thus the highest numbered distributor signature would be validated

Change to: 

"Thus in the case that one or more distributor signatures were
validated, the highest numbered distributor signature would be validated


"A widget package MAY be digitally signed using XML Signature

don't we mean: 

"A widget package MAY be digitally signed using the profile of XML
Signature [XMLDSIG11] defined by this specification." ?

As this section is talking about generating a signature, I suggest that
we remove "and validated" in the following sentence:

"Each signature file MUST be generated and validated in"


As per previous email exchange we need to re-work author signature

"zero or one author signatures." - remove final "s" 

"This represents the digital signature of the author of the widget

add "signature file" ie "This signature file represents the digital
signature of the author of the widget package." 


"This represents the digital signature of a distributor of the widget

add "signature file" ie "This signature file represents the digital
signature of a distributor of the widget package."


"Within a widget package these signature files MUST be ordered based on
the numeric portion of the signature file name.

Thus, for example, signature2.xml precedes signature11.xml."

Question: what does this mean? What is it requiring from a widget


"Implementations MUST be prepared to accept X.509 v3 certificates

Can we say "User agents" rather than implementations


"It MUST be unique for a given signer."

Do we need to make it clear that we are not expecting the UA to check
this? I take it we're not asking the UA to check this, right?  


"Each ds:Signature property" -> "Each ds:SignatureProperty" ?

In step 5 there is no bullet for digest algorithms, which there probably
should be.


"This MUST be a unique signing string for all signature files created by
the signer." - same comment as 5.5. ie - Do we need to make it clear
that we are not expecting the UA to check this?


"If signature file validation fails for any reason, any external
entities (e.g., a user agent that implements [Widgets Packaging])
relying on the validation of the signature file MUST be notified of the

Maybe we should say that notification of successful validation must also
be provided?


"A signature file may also be renamed, which can affect processing."
suggest modification to "...which can affect the order in which
distributor signatures are processed"


"Upon signature generation, if this property is used, the value is set
to ..."

Is inconsistent with the sentence from 5.1 which states:

"Each signature file MUST contain a dsp:Identifier signature properties
element compliant with XML Signature Properties [XMLDSIG-Properties] and
this specification."

Suggest deletion of ", if this property is used," from the first


"Profiles MUST specify details of the identifier property value creation
and interpretation." What does "Profiles" mean in this sentence

"If multiple instances of this property are found on a single signature,
then applications MUST NOT deem any of these properties valid." - which
would in turn mean that the signature was invalid, right? We may want to
state this?


Note that the same comments may apply to 9.2.1 and 9.2.2 dependent on
the discussions on the mandatory/optional status of this property.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: public-webapps-requ...@w3.org 
>[mailto:public-webapps-requ...@w3.org] On Behalf Of Arthur Barstow
>Sent: 02 April 2009 17:21
>To: public-webapps
>Subject: [widgets] New WD of Widgets 1.0: Digital Signatures 
>spec published on March 31
>On March 31 a new WD of the Widgets 1.0 Digital Signature spec 
>was published and announced on the W3C's home page:
>2009-03-31: The Web Applications Working Group has published a 
>Working Draft of Widgets 1.0: Digital Signatures. This 
>document defines a profile of the XML Signature Syntax and 
>Processing 1.1 specification to allow a widget package to be 
>digitally signed.  
>Widget authors and distributors can digitally sign widgets as 
>a trust and quality assurance mechanism. Prior to 
>instantiation, a user agent can use the digital signature to 
>verify the integrity of the widget package and perform source 
>authentication. This document specifies conformance 
>requirements on both widget packages and user agents.
>Please review this new WD as soon as possible, preferably 
>within the next two weeks:
>  <http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-widgets-digsig-20090331/>
>-Regards, Art Barstow

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