Mozilla has something similar already called sendAsBinary though it takes a
string not an array

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 7:28 PM, Anne van Kesteren <> wrote:

> On Thu, 10 Sep 2009 03:12:52 +0200, Jian Li <> wrote:
>> There has already been a discussion on extending XMLHttpRequest.send() to
>> take a File object. Could we also consider enhancing it further to support
>> sending multiple files, like a FileList from the drag and drop.
>> We could make XMLHttpRequest.send() take a FileList object and let the
>> browser add multipart boundary separators automatically.
>> Or, the other simpler way, thanks to Darin's suggestion, is to
>> extend XMLHttpRequest.send() to take an array of items. Each of item could
>> be either a string or a file reference strictly. The web application is
>> responsible to generate the multipart enevelop like the following:
>>    var payload = new Array;
>>    payload.push(header1);
>>    payload.push(file1);
>>    payload.push(footer1);
>>    ...
>>    xhr.send(payload);
>> How do you guys think about these approaches?
> The first seems a lot less error-prone for authors. I think we should go
> with that.
> --
> Anne van Kesteren

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