In section 4.4.2 of WebIDL, there is the following language:

  As soon as a name N begins being able to be used to index
  the host object, a property called the corresponding named
  property  MUST be created on the host object...

IndexGetter has similar verbiage. I'm really not clear on this "begins being able to be used" thing. Is that something the interface needs to define?

In particular, consider using IndexGetter for NodeList. At what point can "10000" be used to index the nodelist? Is it as soon as the nodelist is created? Once the length is > 10000? Something else?

In particular, the interaction with existing properties interests me. If I set document.links[5] while the document has 3 links and then I add 3 more links, what is the value of document.links[5]? What if I had 6 links to start with?


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