Hi folks,

a quick summary of today's meeting - there are also draft minutes available:
http://www.w3.org/2009/11/02-dap-minutes.html#item05 until lunch for the joint session with DAP

We talked about progress events and the agreement was to remove most stuff from the spec, so there will be a new draft which does that.

We talked about File APIs with the DAP group. There was disagreement on whether our File API (née File Upload, but it got married to the ability to read a file) spec should be coordinated with the Filesystem API (née Opera's File I/O submission to this group early last year), or whether they live in different worlds. We also agreed to work on a Web notifications spec in this group.

We talked about the Confused Deputy risk that can be created with CORS, how it works and whether it is a real risk. This discussion was inconclusive and will continue tomorrow (see separate email).

We discussed Views in DOM, and resolved that nobody appears to use them anywhere real, so while we won't destroy the attributes etc we wil collapse them all down to a single concept of the default view in practice, and we will also aim to provide a new method to get bounding boxes (including under CSS transforms, and the bounding box of a transformed region) in CSS-OM.

Finally we discussed XHR 1 and 2. While we are still working on XHR 2 (there are various bits that are still up in the air), we believe we have resolved all outstanding issues, and the meeting agreed that we should request last Call status. There will be a formal Call for Consensus on this separately (to give those who did not attend the opportunity to have their say), but probably tomorrow because it is late now and I have had enough...

More fun tomorrow - you can see our planned agenda at http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/TPAC2009APIs#Tuesday.2C_November_3



Charles McCathieNevile  Opera Software, Standards Group
    je parle français -- hablo español -- jeg lærer norsk
http://my.opera.com/chaals       Try Opera: http://www.opera.com

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