On 11/25/09 3:46 PM, Klotz, Leigh wrote:
The XMLHttpRequest functionality described in this document has
previously been well isolated, and in fact XHR itself has beeen
implemented by a number of different desktop browser vendors by
copying the original implementations.

Note that these were all building on a common reverse-engineered base, and that the implementations were far from interoperable.

In summary, we feel that the dependencies between HTML5 and
XMLHttpRequest are in the wrong direction.  We ask that the
dependency on HTML5 be eliminated

The main dependencies, I believe, are on the Window object and the security sandboxing behavior that web browsers have. How do you propose such dependencies be eliminated?

and that the XMLHttpRequest
Working Draft be changed to specify minimum requirements for
integration in the areas for which it depends on HTML5.

The XHR spec needs to describe the precise behavior of things like same-origin requests. However nothing specifies the concept of "origins" outside the HTML5 specification. Should XHR simply say that something else needs to define origins, in this situation, without referring to the one thing that actually does define them? There are no plans for anyone other than HTML5 to define them at this point, and the HTML5 definition is not limited to HTML documents.


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