Robin Berjon wrote:
There are quite a few services out there that return XML — it would
be  disingenuous to pretend otherwise. The addition of x-site requests to
the stack makes these even more available. XHR supports XML natively,
including namespace. Selectors support namespaces natively.
Implementations already support that — exposing it at the API level is
hardly a massive cost. So apart from saying that all of these are wrong,
or saying that XML, XHR, Selectors aren't part of the web stack I can
hardly see where your argument is going.

No-one is disputing the fact that those tools exist and that they could be used for XML with namespaces. But are those tools being used in ways that utilise namespaces in useful ways, such that having them exposed at the selector API level would be either useful or even necessary?

How about we take a look at some public website APIs using XML that could be suitable for use in cross site requests, and see which, if any, could possibly benefit from supporting prefixes in this API?

Does not use namespaces at all, would not benefit from it being added to this API.

Again, does not use namespaces at all.

This does use namespaces in the XML version of it's API. It nests fragments of the XHTML markup within the <message> and <extract> elements. These tag names don't clash with any in XHTML, and so they can be selected without bothering about namespaces, or by using a selector like

To select any of the XHTML itself, it's easy enough to use a selector like:

"error>elaboration div" or "info>message code"

The source element does clash with the source element in HTML5, but it can be easily and unambiguously selected using "messages>source".

So, even if a script opted for the XML output, there is no clear dependency on using namespaced selectors here.

Besides, all of those APIs mentioned also offer JSON output, which is much more optimised for use in JavaScript environments where cross site requests will be most common.

So what other sorts of APIs do you have in mind which would greatly benefit from namespace support in selectors API? It would help if you could find some other APIs and illustrate with some real world sites that use them, where namespace-supporting APIs are utilised for good reasons on the client side.

Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

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