On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 09:53, Ian Hickson <i...@hixie.ch> wrote:
> On Fri, 4 Dec 2009, Sebastian Andersson wrote:
>> How would the policy file and the service not be under the same control?
> In a shared hosting environment, typically port 80 is a virtual hosted
> HTTP server, and the ports above 1024 are under the control of the first
> user to bind to it. So ports 1024 and 1025 can be under the control of
> different users. If the policy file is served from port 1024, it can allow
> script on port 80 from one virtual host to access the service on port 1025
> intended for scripts of pages of another virtual host on port 80.

Just like the firewall would have to be opened up for the new
service's port, so would the policy file have to be updated. That is a
job of the service provider, not of any of the users and as I already
wrote, that is an administrative issue, not a technical one.

>> > If we assume a round-trip time of 120ms, that means that opening a
>> > WebSocket connection takes 360ms rather than the 120ms it takes with
>> > the security model in the spec today. That's a lot of extra latency.
>> One could also do both connections at the same time, but not open the
>> socket to the application until the policy file has been read. Or simply
>> use a cache.
> That seems more complex than necessary.

It would probably be among the simplest of the code in a browser that
is able to render html5 and run javascript.

>> >> I don't know if the current player caches the result, but that could
>> >> be added.
>> >
>> > Then you increase the race condition I mentioned from being merely a
>> > few milliseconds to being whatever the time-to-live of the policy file
>> > is.
>> Since I fail to see the attack scenario, I fail to see the race
>> condition.
> The race condition is a separate issue. The race condition is what happens
> when the policy changes between the time that the policy file is read and
> the connection is established. Consider for instance the window between an
> error being found in a policy file and the policy being fixed. If the
> policy has a 24 hour time-to-live, then the site is automatically
> vulnerable for up to 24 hours for some users.

I still don't see an attack scenario being described here. Yes,
administrative changes will take some time to propagate when caches
are used if the object has been cached. Just like DNS, some CDNs,
reverse proxies etc., that is hardly something new for an

The policy file is only one of many access control mechanisms and even
if it is incorrectly written, it would still take special malicious
code to create a vulnerability, the firewall would have to allow
access to the port and the service's access control mechanisms would
have to allow the connection and the browser would somehow get to run
the malicious code from an origin that was listed in the policy file.
Of course there is an opportunity, but is it a big risk?

>> >>> What's wrong with the way WebSocket does it?
>> >>
>> >> Many custom protocols are based on a length field followed by a
>> >> protocol frame. With WebSocket it is possible to connect to such a
>> >> service and be connected for a while until a timeout happens and thus
>> >> a DoS attack against such a service would be trivial to write.
>> >
>> > Interesting. Do you have any examples of such services that I could
>> > study? If we could mitigate that that would be very useful. Are these
>> > services that send no traffic until they've received the first packet?
>> MS-RPC and CIFS are such I believe.
> Interesting. I shall study these, thanks.
>> At least one can send the example header from the RFC to them without
>> being disconnected nor getting an answer.
> We may be able to do something about MS-RPC and CIFS specifically, but
> it's not clear that it's possible to have a general solution for the
> problem of servers that don't respond immediately, since in general
> they're indistinguishable from a slow network.

The general solution is to have an opt-in system like flash's policy files.

But let's take a realistic scenario. Let's assume we want to build an
IRC client as a web application.

With TCP and flash-policy files, the web client can connect to the IRC
server, just like all other clients. The channel operators can see the
IP number's of the connected clients and kick/ban someone's IP number
if they are there to cause grief (which I've heard happens quite
often). These functions exists today and work quite well.

With the WebSocket protocol, there are two ways to implement such a
system. A proxy could be written. The channel operators would all see
the same IP number (the proxy's) and can't tell which client is
causing grief if he reconnects. There would have to be extra logic to
the proxy to allow it to report the real IP number to the IRC network.
There would have to be an access filter in the proxy that channel
operators can control. Sounds like a complex solution and one that
would be a bit expensive. I'm quite sure there will be plenty of
implementations there the IP number will not be passed on to the
original service, leading to higher administrative costs (two logs to
read, to access lists to keep in synch, two ports in the firewall to
manage in the same way).

Another way would be to extend the IRC server with a second port that
understands the WebSocket protocol. That is, given that the source is
available (that is quite likely given IRC servers, but quite often
unavailable for other services). Doesn't sound too cheap either.

I expect the same two scenarios would come up in most cases where you
want to use a web client against an existing tcp service.

The WebSocket protocol services would also be vulnerable to malicious
code and instead of just having one implementation in each web browser
that matches the origin with the port to see if a connection is
allowed, that code would have to be added to each WebSocket protocol
service and perhaps by less skilled programmers than the browser

The WebSocket protocol has a higher cost and it seems to me that the
risks are equal, but different. Given that flash already uses TCP and
policy files, the risk of reusing it would not increase since I don't
think flash is going away soon.

Sebastian Andersson

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