On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 10:36 PM, Joran Greef <jo...@sexbyfood.com> wrote:

> "The use of the storage mutex to avoid race conditions is currently
> considered by certain implementors to be too high a performance burden, to
> the point where allowing data corruption is considered preferable.
> Alternatives that do not require a user-agent-wide per-origin script lock
> are eagerly sought after."
> It's not a question of mutex versus data corruption, but of implementation:
> Database storage is served by SQLite. LocalStorage would be better served
> by Tokyo Cabinet: http://1978th.net/tokyocabinet/. I doubt the current
> localStorage implementation is better than the current Tokyo Cabinet
> implementation.

The issue has nothing to do with SQLite.  If you support run-to-completion
(i.e. require serialization) and can't abort and retry a transaction (which
the LocalStorage API doesn't support) then there's no way around locking as
far as I know.  If you're arguing there is, can you please explain how
(rather than linking to a rather large document)?


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