Hi, Sebastian-

Sebastian Hennebrueder wrote (on 2/12/10 8:11 AM):
Maciej Stachowiak schrieb:
On Jan 29, 2010, at 6:36 AM, Sebastian Hennebrueder wrote:

Arthur Barstow schrieb:
Sebastian, All,
On Jan 18, 2010, at 10:54 AM, ext Sebastian Hennebrueder wrote:
About half a year ago I came up with an idea to add a unique window id
as request header to each browser request. I published this
initially on
my website

Now, I have stumbled upon the WebApps Working Group and would like to
introduce this here as well.
WebApp'ers - does anyone have any feedback for Sebastian? Would this
"idea" be more applicable to HTML5?

thank you for the feedback.
HTML 5 defines precise scopes for per window or per browser which can
be used by JavaScript.
The missing bit is to pass a window id to the server with the HTTP
request. I don't know to which spec this actually belongs to.

I am hoping that people here can help me or finally convince me that
my idea is useless.

I think this request would be more appropriate for HTML5, yes. Please
bring it to the HTML WG or WHATWG.

Thank you to both of you.

I started a discussion on the what wg list and somebody added a nice
idea to provide an interface to the local storage / session storage from
the server side.


Actually, I think this should also be in scope for the Web Messaging spec, which is in our new draft charter. It needs to address resource discoverability, which your proposal might be part of.

[1] http://www.w3.org/2010/webapps/charter/Overview.html

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

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