Hi WebApps Working Group.

The CSS WG discussed the "pre-LCWD" version of your View Modes Media
Feature spec [1] during our weekly conf call yesterday.
The raw minutes of the call are available [2]. In summary:

1. globally positive feedback about the spec; we agree the feature
   is needed.
2. this should not be restricted to widgets; we suggest to expand
   the scope of the document.
3. about values:
   - is the 'all' value really useful since a (view-mode: all) query
     is always true?
   - a rendering can be 'application' and 'fullscreen'; isn't there
     an orthogonality issue here? Same thing for 'application' and
     'maximized' for instance
   - chrome can be added by the windows manager or by the application
     itself, does it make a difference?
   - is a 'hidden' value needed to query whether a window is visible?
   - if the current medium (CSS-speaking) is 'projection', does it
     assume view-mode is fullscreen? What about the other way round?
     (Opera for instance assumes 'projection' when fullscreen is on)
   - Is it possible to be floating but also have a media type
   - the background of the viewport is often applied through CSS, and
     that could lead to circular dependencies because the media query
     would depend on the result of the cascade
   - more generally, we think some of the value definitions could
     be clearer, it can be hard to understand if a given rendering
     matches a value or not.
4. all these queries could/should have an event-based counterpart so the
   changes are detectable by code. We understand this is outside of the
   scope of this spec but that's still an important comment.

[1] http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/widgets-vmmf/Overview.html
[2] http://www.w3.org/2010/03/10-CSS-irc


W3C CSS WG, Co-chair

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