It has been pointed out to me that I used the wrong subject "marker".
Fixed here in case people have filters etc.

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 6:15 PM, Jonas Sicking <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I, together with Ben Turner and Shawn Wilsher have been looking at the
> asynchronous API defined in the IndexDB specification and have a set
> of changes to propose. The main goal of these changes is to simplify
> the API that we expose to authors, making it easier for them to work
> with. Another goal has been to reduce the risk that authors misuse the
> API and use long running transactions. Finally, it has been a goal to
> reduce the risk of situations that can race.
> It has explicitly not been a goal to simplify the implementation. In
> some cases it is definitely harder to implement the proposed API.
> However, we believe that the extra complexity in implementation is
> outweighed by simplicity for users of the API.
> The main changes are:
> 1. Once a database has been opened (a database connection has been
> established) read access to meta-data, such as objectStore and index
> names, is synchronous. Changes to such meta data, such as creating
> objectStores and indexes, is still asynchronous.
> 2. You can only add "requests" to read and write data to a transaction
> during a transaction callback. There is one exception to this rule
> (more below).
> 3. Transactions are automatically committed. Once a request in a
> transaction finishes and there are no more requests queued against the
> transaction, the transaction is committed.
> 4. Cursors do not fire error events if a request to open a cursor
> yields zero results or when iterating using a cursor reaches the end
> of the found results. Instead, a success event is fired which
> indicates that no more results are available.
> 5. All reads and writes are done through transactions. However in some
> places the transaction is implicit (but defined).
> 6. Access to index objects are done through API on objectStore objects.
> 7. Separate functions for add/modify/add-or-modify.
> 8. Calling abort() on read request always cancels the request, even if
> the implementation has already read the data and is ready to fire a
> success event. The error event is always fired if abort() is called,
> and the success event is suppressed.
> 9. IDBKeyRanges are created using functions on IndexedDatabaseRequest.
> We couldn't figure out how the old API allowed you to create a range
> object without first having a range object.
> 10. You are allowed to have multiple transactions per database
> connection. However if they use overlapping tables, only the first one
> will receive events until it is finished (with the usual exceptions of
> allowing multiple readers of the same table).
> A draft of the proposed API is here:
> You get a IDBDatabaseRequest as before, using:
> var request ="School", "My school database");
> request.onsuccess = function(event) {
>  var db = event.result;
>  ...
> }
> Once you have a IDBDatabaseRequest object, things are however
> different. You can read data using:
> request = db.objectStore("students").get("Benny");
> request.onsuccess = function(event) {
>  displayStudent(event.result);
> }
> And write using:
> request = db.objectStore("students").add({ name: "Benny", year: 8 });
> request.onerror = function(event) {
>  displayError("Writing Benny failed");
> }
> If you need to operate on multiple stores stores, you can use an
> explicit transaction:
> trans = db.transaction(["students", "classes"]);
> trans.get("Benny").onsuccess = function(event) {
>  trans.objectStore("classes").get(event.result.year).onsuccess = ...
> }
> This also shows the exception for when you are allowed to add requests
> to a transaction outside of a callback. When the transaction()
> function is called, this synchronously returns a transaction object.
> You are allowed to immediately start making requests on this object
> despite not being in a callback. In fact, no callbacks will happen
> until you start making requests. However no reads or writes will be
> performed until the implementation has managed to grab the correct
> (read vs. write) lock on the specified tables, and thus no callbacks
> will happen until that time.
> Reading using an index is similar to reading from an objectStore directly.
> request = db.objectStore("students").index("year").get(...);
> request.onsuccess = ...
> and
> request = db.objectStore("students").index("year").getObject(...);
> request.onsuccess = ...
> Since indexes can return multiple entries for a given key, the above
> functions use the first matching entry.
> Cursors are, as before, available both on objectStores and indexes.
> However using them is simpler since you don't have to listen for error
> events for normal iteration. In the current spec draft, you need to
> register error event handlers if you didn't know which was the last
> result in a search, or if there was a risk that a search would result
> in zero results. With our proposal you'll get a normal success event
> once the end of a search is reached, but the event will have a null
> result property. An empty result set is treated just as a result where
> you've immediately reached the end.
> myResults = [];
> db.objectStore("students").openCursor(range);
> request.onsuccess = function(event) {
>  cursor = event.result;
>  if (!cursor) {
>    // This could happen on the first callback
>    displayResult(myResults);
>  }
>  myResults.push(cursor.value);
>  cursor.continue();
> }
> For the above use case, we have however added a convenience function.
> The following will do the same thing:
> db.objectStore("students").getAll(range);
> request.onsuccess = function(event) {
>  displayResult(e.result);
> }
> Similarly, on indexes you can do
> db.objectStore("students").index("year").getObjectAll(range);
> request.onsuccess = function(event) {
>  displayResult(e.result);
> }
> One thing to note is that in none of these examples call
> transaction.commit(). Instead transactions are automatically committed
> as soon as there are no more requests on them. This has the advantage
> that it strongly discourages long-running transactions. I.e. a web
> author can't easily keep a transaction open while waiting for input
> from the user. Instead all needed data need to be accumulated before
> the transaction is initiated. This is the same model as the
> WebSQLDatabase spec uses, and it seems to have worked there based on
> current deployment experience.
> We've created some examples of what using this proposed API would look like:
> we've also implemented the same examples using the currently drafted API:
> We have a few open issues:
> 1. What should happen when IDBRequest.abort() is called on a write
> request, such as modify()? The data might have already been written to
> the database. And additional data might have been written on top of it
> using a different request. A simple solution is to make abort() on
> write requests throw.
> 2. Do we need to add support for temporary objectStores. I.e. stores
> with a lifetime as long as a transaction that are only used to
> implement a complex query. If so, we can add a createObjectStore
> function on IDBTransactionRequest which synchronously returns a
> nameless newly created objectStore.
> 3. Should an error in a read or write always result in the full
> transaction getting rolled back? Or should we simply fire an error
> event on the failed request? Or something inbetwee, such as firing an
> error event and make the default action to roll back the transaction
> (i.e. if the page doesn't want rollback to happen it has to call
> event.preventDefault).
> / Jonas

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