On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:27 PM, Giles Hogben
<giles.hog...@enisa.europa.eu> wrote:
> I am a security expert at ENISA (the European Network and Information 
> Security Agency).
> We conducting a study on smartphone security and would like to have input 
> from the Web
> Apps WG via the attached questionnaire, as well as reviewing of drafts of the 
> study when
> it is ready.

Questonnaire1.pdf contains:
> Please specify the platform(s) your answers apply to (e.g. Android, Apple,
> Blackberry, Ovi, Windows Phone 7)

I don't think "Ovi" is a platform in the same sense that Android,
Apple (s.b. iPhone), Blackberry and Windows 7 are. Ovi is perhaps a
store (ala Apple's iTunes store) and a services platform (perhaps akin
to Google Apps or Microsoft's Live suite). Nokia provides a number of
platforms: S40, Symbian, Maemo, Meego. Nokia also has other software
stacks including Qt (which is perhaps comprable to Apple's Cocoa).

Personally -- And I do mean this, I don't represent my employer, this
working group or any other -- I think that your request to this
working group to fill out your survey is a misuse of this working
group's openness.

OTOH, I'm glad that I had the opportunity to see your survey, because
I'm sure had you used proper channels, I wouldn't have.

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