Thank you for your quick response!

On Jun 24, 2010, at 11:48 AM, John Gregg wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 11:38 AM, Doug Turner <> wrote:
> I have been thinking a bit on Desktop Notifications [1].  After reviewing the 
> Web Notification specification [2], I would like to propose the following 
> changes:
> 1) Factor out the permission api into a new interface and/or spec.  The 
> ability to test for a permission without bring up a UI would improve the UX 
> of device access.  I could imagine implementing this feature for use with 
> Geolocation as well as notifications.  For example:
> interface Permissions {
> // permission values
> const unsigned long PERMISSION_ALLOWED = 0;
> const unsigned long PERMISSION_UNKNOWN = 1;
> const unsigned long PERMISSION_DENIED  = 2;
> void checkPermission(in DOMString type, in Function callback);
> }
> Then we could do something like:
> navigator.permissions.checkPermission("desktop-notification", function(value) 
> {});
> or
> navigator.permissions.checkPermission("geolocation", function(value) {});
> I like this idea, I think it's definitely preferable to a one-off permission 
> system just for notifications. 
> Your proposal doesn't have a way to explicitly request permission.  Would you 
> be willing to add that, with the recommendation that it only take place on a 
> user gesture?  I don't think this eliminates the ability to implement 
> request-on-first-use, if that's what Mozilla prefers, but I also still think 
> there is benefit to allowing permissions to be obtained separately from 
> invoking the API in question.

so, checkPermission and requestPermission.  I am happy with that......


if really want to get crazy, we could do something like:


This would allow a site to request multiple permissions in one go.... up to the 
implementation if this is supported (i'd argue), and up to the implementation 
on how best to handle these requests.

> The bigger question is, are other features interested?  Would the Geolocation 
> spec consider using something like this for permissions?

cc'ing Andrei Popescu - the editor of the Geolocation spec.  Not sure how to 
formally answer your question.  However, if the permission api above was 
implemented, I think it naturally follows that "geolocation" would be one of 
the known strings.

> 2) Add language to the spec to indicate that the DOMStrings used 
> |createNotification| are not to include any mark up.  Basically, 
> implementations are going to hand off notifications to system-level services. 
>  For example, on the Mac, GROWL does not handle any mark up... their API just 
> takes plain strings.  I'd like to see the API reflect this reality.  
> Something like "the |title| and |body| arguments are to be treated as plain 
> text"... or some such language.
> Although the group isn't chartered to deliver the spec forward, FWIW I agree 
> with this suggestion (it was always the intent) and have made this language 
> explicit in the editor's draft.

cool beans.

> 3) Move Web notifications to a version 2 of the specification.  For the most 
> basic use cases, this API isn't required and a web developer could use the 
> more base API to simulate this.  Furthermore, as I mentioned above, many 
> system-level notification services know nothing about rendering html.
> Though I think web content still makes sense for notifications coming from a 
> web browser, and would want to publish an API which drives things in that 
> direction, I think this is reasonable if it will encourage greater 
> implementation of the basic API.  As long as the text+icon API we use doesn't 
> cut off that avenue, and I think what we have now meets that.

Make it optional allows us to have a spec that interoperates.  I am not sure 
that Mozilla (or I) would want to implement this part of the specification.  My 
goal is for tight system level integration and I do not believe that web 
notifications helps on that.

Again, thank you for your thoughts,

Doug Turner

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