On 6/25/2010 5:09 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
On Wed, 23 Jun 2010 01:53:51 +0200, Travis Leithead <tra...@microsoft.com> wrote:
This topic came up internally on the IE team, and we thought it would be noteworthy to put this question before the working groups in hopes of getting a spec clarification made.

The question is: for XHR and other non-DOM related objects that support the EventTarget interface, meaning objects that will be surfaced off of "window" but aren't really a part of the markup tree, how should event propagation be handled?

Events only propagate within a DOM tree. In addition there are some special cases for the global object noted in the HTML5 specification. Other than that there is no propagation.

This is I guess a bit unrelated, but I was wondering whether thought been given to allowing custom events to allow formal propagation beyond the document (as described in https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Code_snippets/Interaction_between_privileged_and_non-privileged_pages#Sending_data_from_chrome_to_unprivileged_document ) in a way that works cross-browser?

Although this is more suitable for small-scale experimentation rather than formal APIs (especially with events not allowing formal namespaces), it would be nice to have a method for allowing web<->extension communication that could potentially be expanded to work in more than one browser, especially as other browsers enhance their add-on infrastructure. (I guess in Firefox the document is all part of one big tree that includes the add-on markup, so propagation is indeed within the same DOM tree, but not sure whether other browsers treat add-ons as fully separate, or if there is at least interest to make them work the same way.)


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