On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 12:12 PM, Adrian Bateman <adria...@microsoft.com>wrote:

> On Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:46 AM, Chris Prince wrote:
> > >> 1. Most people that I talk to dislike the name Blob, much less having
> > >> it spread to things like BlobReader.
> >
> > I could maybe understand this if "blob" were a new term we were
> > inventing.  But it's not.  It's a well-known computer science concept.
> >  It seems worse to try and coin a totally new name for "opaque chunk
> > of data".
> > FWIW, "most people" hating the name blob seems like a stretch, as it
> > has not been my experience.  But maybe we run in different circles.
> This was addressed to me although quoting Jonas.
> One of the problems I've experienced is that in general the well-known
> computer
> science concept doesn't have a URL that can be used to stream data into
> another
> object. It's feasible to use the Blob interface in circumstances where the
> bits
> of the "blob" aren't manifested until they are actually used. Some concepts
> from
> the Media Capture API seem to be heading in this direction.

We've reformed the api that provides a url such that it's no longer an
attribute of the Blob instance. Instead there's a method of the window' that
binds the contents of the Blob to a url that is valid for the lifetime of
the window object or until the url is revoked via another window method.

> That said, I don't have a problem with the name Blob. :o)
Me  neither.

> Cheers,
> Adrian.

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