On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 12:04 PM, Keean Schupke <ke...@fry-it.com> wrote:
> Take Firefox for example, it implements IndexedDB using SQLite apparently.
> So implementing a relational API if we have to talk to IndexedDB that means
> we have to convert from the relational data model to an object model and
> then back to a relational model for SQLite. So what I would like to do is
> punch through that excess layer in the middle and have the relational API
> talk directly to SQLite in the browser implementation. How could you argue
> that having an unnecessary middle layer is a good thing?

The SQLite back-end used by Firefox's implementation of IndexedDB (and
Chrome's, for the moment) is unnecessary; at least in Chrome's case,
we used a SQLite backend only because it was expedient and the code
was there.  We'll be changing it to a better backend in the future,
and I suspect that Firefox will do the same in time.

The middle layer isn't unnecessary, *it's the whole point*.  The
back-end shouldn't ever be exposed directly - you don't want your code
to break if we drop the SQLite backend and switch to a direct
b-tree-based backend.


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