On 04/12/2011 05:33 PM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:
On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 3:38 PM, Kyle Huey<m...@kylehuey.com>  wrote:
Hello All,

In the current FileAPI Writer spec a BlobBuilder can be used to build a
series of blobs like so:

   var bb = BlobBuilder();
   var foo = bb.getBlob();
   var bar = bb.getBlob();
   foo.size; // == 3
   bar.size; // == 6

My concern with this pattern is that it seems that one of the primary use
cases is to keep a BlobBuilder around for a while to build up a blob over
time.  A BlobBuilder left around could potentially entrain large amounts of
memory.  I propose that BlobBuilder.getBlob() "clears" the BlobBuilder,
returning it to an empty state.  The current behavior also doesn't seem
terribly useful to me (though I'm happy to be convinced otherwise) and be
easily replicated on top of the proposed behavior (immediately reappending
the Blob that was just retrieved.)


- Kyle

If you don't have a use for a current behavior, you can always just
drop the BlobBuilder as soon as you're done with it, and it'll get
collected.  I think that's simpler and more intuitive than having it
clear itself, which is a surprise in an operation that looks
I agree. getBlob() sounds very much like read-only operation.
If there is a use case for clearing BlobBuilder, the method
should be called takeBlob() or some such.


In the other case, where you actually want the append
behavior, it's faster and simpler not to have to re-append a blob
you've just pulled out of it.


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