On Wed, 18 May 2011 08:14:42 +0900, Daniel Cheng <dch...@chromium.org> wrote:

Interesting. What, in your view, should the implementation do if it
discovers the contents has changed while a paste event thread is running?

Safari returns an empty string from getData() if this happens. If the caller
is using event.clipboardData.items, maybe throw a DOM exception when
getAs*() is called.

We have a problem indeed if we neither want to copy the data from the clipboard nor lock it while the script is processing the paste event: If we give the script a nicely prepared DataTransferItems list and the stuff we've promised is no longer on the clipboard when the script tries to use it, because another application overwrote it..

Should our implementation work harder to keep what we promise in clipboardData.items, or should we be content that such timing issues will be so rare that throwing is fine? After all, most applications manipulate the clipboard only in response to user input, which is a pretty modal source of events, and by definition the paste event will fire in response to user input within the document..

Also, I'm not sure if we should process any HTML data on the clipboard (including possibly adding images and embedded content to clipboardData.items) before firing the paste event, or do so only if the script calls getData('text/html') within the paste event thread. Implementor feedback welcome!

Hallvord R. M. Steen, Core Tester, Opera Software
http://www.opera.com http://my.opera.com/hallvors/

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