Because of the changes Anne applied to this spec, a new Last Call Working Draft will be needed so this CfC is _Canceled_:

On Jun/17/2011 9:57 AM, ext Arthur Barstow wrote:
As noted earlier this month [1], the Progress Events spec's Last Call comment period ended with no comments. As such, Anne proposes the spec be published as a Candidate Recommendation and this is a Call for Consensus (CfC) to do so:

This CfC satisfies: a) the group's requirement to "record the group's decision to request advancement" to CR; and b) "General Requirements for Advancement on the Recommendation Track" as defined in the Process Document:

The exit criteria is in the Draft CR and is based on the criteria in the XHR CR:

As with all of our CfCs, positive response is preferred and encouraged and silence will be considered as agreeing with the proposal. The deadline for comments is June 24.

-Art Barstow


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