(Warning, this is cross-posted widely. One of the lists is the IETF websec 
mailing list, to which the IETF NOTE WELL applies: 


there appear to be at least three possible specifications addressing this 
space, with similar but different designs:

1. A proposed deliverable in the WebAppSec group to take up on X-Frame-Options 
and express those in CSP:

(We expect that this charter might go to the W3C AC for review as soon as next 

2. The "From-Origin" draft (aka "Cross-Origin Resource Embedding Exclusion") 
currently considered for publication as an FPWD in the Webapps WG:

This draft mentions integration into CSP as a possible path forward.

3. draft-gondrom-frame-options, an individual I-D mentioned to websec: 

How do we go about it?  One path forward might be to just proceed as currently 
planned and coordinate when webappsec starts working.

Another path forward might be to see whether we can agree now on what forum to 
take these things forward in (and what the coordination dance might look like).

Thoughts welcome.

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <t...@w3.org>  (@roessler)

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