On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 2:44 AM, Dimitri Glazkov <dglaz...@chromium.org> wrote:
> All,
> Adam raises an interesting question: should we allow more than one
> shadow DOM subtree per element?
> Background: per current design
> (http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Component_Model#Encapsulation), you can
> only create one ShadowRoot instance per element.
> The reasoning behind this goes like this:
> * The use cases for adding an extra shadow DOM subtree for built-in
> elements seemed like hacks around existing limitations of the
> elements;
> * We give leverage to elements, allowing them to control whether their
> shadow DOM subtrees can be extended. If the element exposes its shadow
> subtree, then yes you can. If it don't then no you can't.

What is the benefit of this leverage? Secure presentation of <input
type="file">? Sane editing model for <textarea>?

> * Multiple shadow DOM subtrees introduce the problem of ordering,
> where the order of rendering these trees is unknowable at the time of
> creation, which seems like a bad thing.
> Folks who worked on this with me, I am sure I am missing a couple of
> things here -- please chime in.
> However, allowing multiple subtrees certainly has benefits:
> * No more explicit dead-list of elements that can't have a shadow DOM.
> You can just create another one.

This problem could be tackled without the complexity of multiple
shadows by reducing the dead-list to zero, by defining how a shadow
would work with <input>, <textarea>, … any HTML element we hitherto
thought would be “dead.”

Or do you mean dead-list of instances of elements, not dead-list of
kinds of elements?

> * More freedom for extending elements (yes, this is the opposite of
> the single-tree control benefit above)
> Concept-wise:
> * Multiple shadow subtrees would just be a list.
> * The order of a list is established once and is unchangeable. How it
> is established? I have no idea.
> * The trees are rendered sequentially (in list order) as if they are
> children of the hosting element.
> Security-wise, I don't see any issues off hand.
> Plumbing-wise, adding support for multiple shadow subtrees should be
> fairly simple, provided that we solve the order problem.
> What do you think?
> :DG<

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