On Monday, September 26, 2011 at 4:31 PM, Robin Berjon wrote:

> On Sep 23, 2011, at 18:26 , Mark Baker wrote:
> > Well, this is progress, but it seems the only difference now between
> > widget: and http: is the authority. And if that's the case, then
> > instead of (from your example);
> >  
> > widget://c13c6f30-ce25-11e0-9572-0800200c9a66/index.html
> >  
> > why not go with this?
> >  
> > http://c13c6f30-ce25-11e0-9572-0800200c9a66.localhost/index.html
> Well, the advantage of a scheme is that it's solidly in the realm of the 
> implementation to decide how to handle it. We've actually been bouncing ideas 
> like the above around for a while (albeit with things like .app rather than 
> .localhost) and it's a bit scary. It means that in some cases you're doing 
> DNS resolution differently than the way in which you normally do it (which 
> might just be relying on the system).  
This is the problem I've run into at the moment. I can't seem to get around it: 

* Either add sub domains to localhost in the "hosts" file
* use virtual hosts in Apache
* I don't think either gives me dynamic dns capabilities (for when I start new 
widgets, I create a new subdomain… and no idea how to do it on Android… there 
is no API, AFACT).  

All the java HTTP servers I have been looking at naturally assume a TCP/IP 
socket. Replacing that with a, um, kinda native socket, is not really working 
for me.  

Anyway, I don't think there is a way around this… I think the browser will 
always do it's own network request over TCP/IP and that will need to be 
intercepted through a socket (unless widget:// is supported natively).  

> It means surprising results if you add 
> c13c6f30-ce25-11e0-9572-0800200c9a66.app to your hosts file and see it do one 
> thing in the browser and another in a widget.

Yeah :( Or trying to stop a widget from getting into the resources of another 
widget (referrer check to stop one widget getting into another widget seems 
somewhat fragile)… and the battery sucking while(true){ } for the thread that 
listens is not too nice either.  

> There are however many useful benefits in tying a packaged web application 
> (using whatever packaging) to an origin, not the least of which is 
> same-origin policy and overall just being a regular web app (that may happen 
> to have been loaded differently).
I still don't think it's that bad to do http://c13c6f30.whatever  

Mark, what is the issue with using sub.localhost? (i.e., why do you discourage 
using .localhost)?  
> Overall I'd rather wait for the outcome from the Offline Web Apps workshop to 
> have a definitive opinion on which approach is best. Be sure to be there! 
> http://www.w3.org/2011/web-apps-ws/

This presupposes that someone there will have an opinion :) I was, at least, 
going to write my paper around this… but I imagine it will go a lot like… "um, 
I tried doing this… it kinda didn't work, um… yeah… so, hhmm… would be very 
useful, however" :).

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