On 9/21/11 8:07 PM, Eric U wrote:
Update: I have made the changes to FileWriter/FileSaver's event
sequences; they now match FileReader.
That's not to say it won't change pending discussion, but FileWriter
should continue to match FileReader whatever else happens.


After reading this email thread, and looking at your changes, I think I'll make the following changes:

1. Tighten requirement on onprogress such that we mandate firing *at least one* progress event with a must. Right now this is unclear as you point out, not least of all because we don't mandate the user agent calling onprogress. 2. Include a discussion of the invariants Jonas mentions [1], so that event order is fleshed in the event section. 3. Clarify exceptions to the 50ms event dispatch timeframe (notably for progress events before load+loadend).

To be clear, you've decided we're NOT going to veer from XHR2's abort/open behavior (and thus what FileReader says now) in FileWriter/FileSaver right?

Is this a good summary of changes that we should make?

-- A*
[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2011JulSep/1512.html

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