On 10/6/11 12:16 PM, ext Marcos Caceres wrote:

On Monday, October 3, 2011 at 11:43 PM, Arun Ranganathan wrote:

(generally speaking...)
Seems there is a lot of confusion about how to do this properly (and I'm seeing 
that this is going to now be an issue amongst a number of groups, including 
this group, DAP, and even other organisations that are trying their best to 
define new APIs such as Webinos and WAC).

Perhaps the best thing to do would be to create a wiki page that defines how to do this 
using some very generic examples. What would be great would be to see how the prose maps 
to the IDL and how the IDL maps to a real object in Java script… and also show how the 
DOM4 spec takes care of setting the code and the message…. so, a "Exceptions and 
events for [Spec Writing] Dummies" would be greatly appreciated (and will avoid a 
few common mistakes).

I agree, and admit to confusion on my part here as well. I'm keen that
errors and exceptions are spec'd consistently across the platform.
We're now contemplating eliminating things that we once took for granted
(for example, having a dedicated exception such as FileException, etc.).
Robin took the initiative to create a skeleton:

Maybe we can do a quick breakout session with Anne and anyone else interested 
during TPAC and fill it in. We just need quick bullet points and Robin and I 
can add examples etc.

FYI, I added it to WebApps' Potential Topics list <http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/TPAC2011#Potential_Topics>.

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