On Thursday, October 13, 2011 12:15 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
>On Wednesday, October 12, 2011, Israel Hilerio <isra...@microsoft.com> wrote:
>> On Wednesday, October 12, 2011 4:21 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
>>> On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 4:06 PM, Israel Hilerio <isra...@microsoft.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> > If a db connection is closed inside the onupgradeneeded handler, section 
>>> > 4.1
>>> step #8 states that we should return an ABORT_ERR and abort steps. This
>>> implies that the transaction should fail. Since today, the db is closed 
>>> after all
>>> requests have been processed, we don't see the reason why we would return
>>> an error instead of just allowing the db connection to follow its natural
>>> course. The worst that can happen is that we return a handle to a closed db,
>>> which is what the developer intended.
>>> >
>>> > Should we remove this constraint and not error out on this particular case
>>> (i.e. calling db.close from onupgradeneeded)? Or, are there reasons to keep
>>> this logic around?
>>> I agree, we should not abort the VERSION_CHANGE transaction.
>>> It'd still make sense to fire an "error" event on the request returned from
>>> indexeddb.open though, after the transaction is committed. This since the
>>> database wasn't successfully opened.
>>> / Jonas
>> Couldn't you make the case that it was successfully opened and therefore you 
>> were able to run the >upgrade logic.  However, the developer chose to close 
>> it before returning from the handler.  This will >provide us a pattern to 
>> upgrade DBs without having to keep the db opened or a handle around.  It 
>> will also >help devs differentiate this pattern from a real db open problem.
>My thinking was that we should only fire the success event if we can really 
>hand the success handler a >opened database. That seems to make the open 
>handler easiest to implement for the web page.
>If we do fire the success handler in this case, what would we hand the handler 
>as result? Null? A closed >database? Something else?
>/ Jonas 

We were thinking that we would give back a closed db (i.e. closed connection 
and a closePending flag set to true). We believe that this mimics the intent of 
the developer when they closed the db inside of their onupgradeneeded handler.


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