Meeting more frequently is something that appeals to me greatly. Email
discussions (or worse IRC banter) are not as productive.


On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 9:38 PM, Arthur Barstow <> wrote:
> On 11/2/11 6:41 PM, ext Dimitri Glazkov wrote:
>> You can see the minutes here:
> Thanks Dimitri.
>> First of all, thank you all for coming and participating.
> That goes for me and Chaals too re Monday and Tuesday!
>> It was exhausting, and we just ran out of time. Stupid time!
> Well, we may get together more frequently than just the annual TPAC meeting
> week. If folks think that would be useful (e.g. in 6 months), please speak
> up and we can take it from there. Otherwise, WebApps' next f2f meeting is
> during the 2012 TPAC meeting in Lyon, FR Oct 29 - Nov 2.
> -AB

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