On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 5:41 AM, Rich Tibbett <ri...@opera.com> wrote:
> Jonas Sicking wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> It was pointed out to me on twitter that BlobBuilder can be replaced
>> with simply making Blob constructable. I.e. the following code:
>> var bb = new BlobBuilder();
>> bb.append(blob1);
>> bb.append(blob2);
>> bb.append("some string");
>> bb.append(myArrayBuffer);
>> var b = bb.getBlob();
>> would become
>> b = new Blob([blob1, blob2, "some string", myArrayBuffer]);
>> or look at it another way:
>> var x = new BlobBuilder();
>> becomes
>> var x = [];
>> x.append(y);
>> becomes
>> x.push(y);
>> var b = x.getBlob();
>> becomes
>> var b = new Blob(x);
>> So at worst there is a one-to-one mapping in code required to simply
>> have |new Blob|. At best it requires much fewer lines if the page has
>> several parts available at once.
>> And we'd save a whole class since Blobs already exist.
> Following the previous discussion (which seemed to raise no major
> objections) can we expect to see this in the File API spec sometime soon
> (assuming that spec is the right home for this)?
> This will require a coordinated edit to coincide with the removal of
> BlobBuilder from the File Writer API, right?

It need not be all that coordinated.  I can take it out [well...mark
it deprecated, pending implementation changes] any time after the Blob
constructor goes into the File API.

> Thanks,
> Rich
>> / Jonas

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