On Mon, 12 Dec 2011 14:47:06 +0100, Charles McCathieNevile <cha...@opera.com> wrote:

Hi All - the CfCs to publish a WD of the "new XHR" [1] and a WG Note of the "old XHR" [2] resulted in different opinions expressed. We think it is important to provide a clear message (especially for those not closely following WebApps' related discussions) that: 1) the group agreed to stop working on the old XHR (effectively obsoleting the XHR CR); and 2) the group will continue work on the new XHR.

As such, we will move forward this way:

1. Publish a WG Note of XHR in /TR/XMLHttpRequest1/. The Status section of the NOTE will use the same style as used in for the Web SQL Database Note [3] and include: 1) a warning re the work has stopped; and 2) a link to the new XHR spec. The XHR CR, the last version of the spec with a recorded agreement on the contents, will be used as the basis of the CR.

Err, we meant the CR will be the basis of the Note. :(

2. Publish a new WD of the new XHR spec in /TR/XMLHttpRequest/ and titled XMLHttpRequest Level 2.

If the publications can be made "pub ready" by December 12, they will be published on December 15; otherwise the publication will be in January.

-Chaals and Art

[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2011OctDec/1250.html [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2011OctDec/1306.html [3] http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/NOTE-webdatabase-20101118/#status-of-this-document

Charles 'chaals' McCathieNevile  Opera Software, Standards Group
    je parle français -- hablo español -- jeg kan litt norsk
http://my.opera.com/chaals       Try Opera: http://www.opera.com

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