On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 16:25:33 +0100, Jarred Nicholls <jar...@webkit.org> wrote:
1. The spec says the timeout should fire after the specified number of
milliseconds has elapsed since the start of the request. I presume this means literally that, with no bearing on whether or not data is coming over the wire?


2. Given we have progress events, we can determine that data is coming
over the wire and react accordingly (though in an ugly fashion,
semantically). E.g., the author can disable the timeout or increase the timeout. Is that use case possible? In other words, should setting the timeout value during an active request reset the timer? Or should the timer always be basing its elapsed time on the start time of the request + the specified timeout value (an absolute point in the future)? I understand the language in the spec is saying the latter, but perhaps could use emphasis that the timeout value can be changed mid-request.


Furthermore, if the timeout value is set to a value > 0 but less than the original value, and the elapsed time is past the (start_time + timeout), do we fire the timeout or do we effectively disable it?

The specification says "has passed" which seems reasonably clear to me. I.e. you fire it.

3. Since network stacks typically operate w/ timeouts based on data
coming over the wire, what about a different timeout attribute that fires a timeout event when data has stalled, e.g., dataTimeout? I think this type of timeout would be more desirable by authors to have control over for
async requests, since today it's kludgey to try and simulate that with
timers/progress events + abort().  Whereas with the overall request
timeout, library authors already simulate that easily with timers + abort() in the async context. For sync requests in worker contexts, I can see a dataTimeout as being heavily desired over a simple request timeout.

So if you receive no octet for dataTimeout milliseconds you get the timeout event and the request terminates? Sounds reasonable.

Anne van Kesteren

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