Adam Barth <> skreiv Wed, 08 Feb 2012 00:05:54 +0100

FWIW, my main concern was the hidden data aspect because it can be abused for cross-site request forgery if a malicious site by getting the user to
copy and paste gets access to form anti-CSRF tokens and such.

That's certainly possible, but I don't think it's possible for us to
protect against the long tail of risks here.  In these sorts of cases,
it can be better for security to not implement a half-correct solution
and instead decide not to try to mitigate a particular risk.

You are right here.

Also, on considering the abuse potential of getData('text/html'), I've realised that we are not introducing much new threat surface here, since a simple paste into a rich text editing-enabled element already inserts markup so that the target page can see much of what I proposed removing.

I've changed the spec from saying the implementation *must* apply the sanitization algorithm to saying the user agent *may* apply it, made it clear that it is merely a suggestion, removed some of the most draconian parts and marked it as informative. I think it still has some value as an informative section.;content-type=text%2Fhtml

Perhaps we should publish a new working draft now?

Hallvord R. M. Steen
Core tester, Opera Software

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