On Mon, 02 Apr 2012 07:20:27 +0200, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote:

On 4/2/12 12:58 AM, Simon Pieters wrote:
I believe some things in the HTML spec uses the entry script, at least
for the purpose of choosing origin or base URL. For instance: WebSocket,

Yes, but what do they use for the origin of the Worker object itself?

"Run a worker for the resulting absolute URL, with the script's browsing context of the script that invoked the method as the owner browsing context, with the script's document of the script that invoked the method as the owner document, with the origin of the entry script as the owner origin, and with worker global scope as the global scope."

Well, that's origin for the worker *script*. The Worker *object* doesn't have an origin, I think. (SharedWorker also uses entry script.)

I.e. if you create one and then one of the documents involved has .domain set on it, what happens?

The document's effective script origin changes. The origin doesn't. Workers use origin, not effective script origin, so setting document.domain should have no effect on workers even if you set it before creating the worker.

As far as I can tell, the HTML spec doesn't actually define this behavior (and for that matter it doesn't seem to define the origin of most objects, unless I'm missing something...)


http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/origin-0.html#origin-0 has rules for specific things.

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

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