On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 6:39 AM, Rafael Weinstein <rafa...@google.com> wrote:
> What doesn't appear to be controversial is the parser changes which
> would allow the template element to have arbitrary top-level content
> elements.

It's not controversial as long as an HTML context is assumed.  I think
it is still controversial for SVG and MathML elements that aren't
wrapped in an <svg> or <math> element.

> I'd like to propose that we add DocumentFragment.innerHTML which
> parses markup into elements without a context element.

Why should the programmer first create a document fragment and then
set a property on it? Why not introduce four methods on Document that
return a DocumentFragment: document.parseFragmentHTML (parses like
<template>.innerHTML), document.parseFragementSVG (parses like
<svg>.innerHTML), document.parseFragmentMathML (parses like
<math>.innerHTML) and document.parseFragmentXML (parses like innerHTML
in the XML mode without namespace context)? This would avoid magic for
distinguishing HTML <a> and SVG <a>.

On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 8:23 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. <jackalm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (In my dreams, we just merge SVG into the HTML namespace, and then
> this step disappears.)

In retrospect, it would have been great if Namespaces in XML had never
been introduced and SVG, MathML and HTML shared a single namespace.
However, at this point trying to merge the namespaces would lead to
chameleon namespaces which are evil and more trouble than fixing the
historical mistake is worth.  I feel very strongly that vendors and
the W3C should stay away from turning SVG into a chameleon namespace.
SVG is way more established them CSS gradients or Flexbox in terms of
what kind of changes are acceptable.

See http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2009Feb/0065.html
as well as various XML experiences from non-browser contexts.

Henri Sivonen

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