On 6/6/12 10:27 AM, "Scott Wilson" <scott.bradley.wil...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Having looked again at this, I think the easiest approach would not be to
>publish WebApp Manifest as is, but simply to publish a new draft of the
>Widget Interface[1] and do a search/replace on "widget" with "webapp".

Republishing the same spec with only this modification and observing
adoption would be an interesting social experiment in itself. But I

>We can then add a section on JSON serialization as a manifest media type,
>and then take each of the proposed model extensions from Mozilla on their
>own merit.

That shouldn't prevent us from looking at use cases and requirements.

Mozilla's proposal seems to essentially target applications distributed
through app stores. We'd like to see a solution that also enables
providing meta data to bookmarked apps similar to how meta tags work in


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