On 6/20/12 12:05 AM, "Sylvain Galineau" <sylva...@microsoft.com> wrote:

>[Daniel Glazman:]
>> That's also the reason why I asked to explain requestFullscreen(). It
>> sound obvious, but it's not. And in fact, we should _never_ introduce a
>> syntax, API, whatever w/o saying _what it does_ from a functional point
>> view before explaining how it works.
>To the extent possible I think specs should document some of the core
>and scenarios they are derived from e.g. as an informative intro or
>Extra points for covering scenarios that are explicitly out of scope for
>current version. This would be especially valuable for new specifications.
>I don't think people who don't live in WHATWG/W3C mailing lists and/or
>make browsers 
>for a living can read a document like this one - or, say, CORS - and hope
>to figure 
>out what problems they are/aren't trying to solve. (I'm not sure they're
>even that
>obvious for people who do....)

Can't agree more. Unpublished / hard to find use cases makes everyone's
life harder and worsens the perception authors have of spec writers and
implementors. Calling them authors doesn't help, either. :-/


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