On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 6:23 PM, Andrei Bucur <abu...@adobe.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> This is a cross-post from the www-style discussion list in case anyone is
> interested about this subject:
> Currently the CSS Regions spec doesn't mention what happens with regions
> that are part of a shadow tree. The NamedFlow interface exposes the
> getRegions API that "returns the sequence of regions in the region chain
> associated with the named flow". I suppose the CSSOM needs to be adapted
> to take into account the shadow boundaries.
> One way to do it is to add NamedFlow accessor APIs to the shadow root
> object, similar to what's available on the Document. The NamedFlow objects
> returned using the new API will provide access to the regions found in the
> shadow tree. The NamedFlow objects returned from the host document give
> access only to the regions above the shadow boundary.
> Thoughts?

That makes sense to me. It is in line with the Shadow DOM concept of
upper-boundary encapsulation and is analogous to the methods and properties
on ShadowRoot, like NodeSelector, that provide access to the encapsulated


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