> From: Arthur Barstow [mailto:art.bars...@nokia.com]
> On 8/29/12 7:55 PM, ext Travis Leithead wrote:
> >
> > Folks, following up on my action item from TPAC 2011 (yeah, I know...),
> > the DOM Parsing and Serialization Editor's Draft specification has
> > been created!
> >
> > http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/innerhtml/raw-file/tip/index.html
> >
> Thanks for creating this ED!
> BTW, what changes (if any) do we want to make before we start a CfC for
> First Public Working Draft?

For the FPWD, I don't believe there's any changes that are necessary.

> > A list of active bugs against the spec are being maintained against
> > this component in the Bug tracking system:
> >
> >
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?product=WebAppsWG&compo
> nent=DOM%20Parsing%20and%20Serialization&resolution=---
> >
> OK, and I see that Mike created a separate component under the WHATWG
> product for Ms2ger's DOM P&S version at html5.org [1].
> -AB
> [1]
> <https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?product=WHATWG&compone
> nt=DOM%20Parsing%20and%20Serialization&resolution=--->

Thanks! I want to keep the two spec in sync as much as possible, so if Ms2ger 
mind, I'll cherry-pick fixes from those bug fixes into the ED draft. I'd also 
like to help work
on solutions to some of the existing bugs.

Ms2ger, do have any suggestions on how we might work together on some of those?

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