> > "Let document be the document associated with the global object of the 
> > XMLHttpRequest interface object."
> You'd also need to check the JavaScript global environment.

Thanks for responding. How?
> What I mean is that <var>-variables are scoped to the algorithm they
> are used in. So you need to re-introduce <dfn
> title=concept-XMLHttpRequest-document>document</dfn> or some such.

Ah, OK. We already have an instance property named "referrer source", which is 
a somewhat obscure name but does reference the document. Can we just re-name 
"referrer source" => "associated document" or something, and set it in 
constructor, then use it for the "not fully active" check etc in open() ?

(Naming it "referrer source" re-uses terminology from CORS or Workers? I 
believe it will always refer to a document - in "web worker mode" the document 
associated with the script - and we can say "use associated document as 
*override referrer source* when referencing CORS algorithm. IMO this is easier 
to understand in the context of this spec.)

> > (Just for the record, the corner cases we need to consider here include 
> > stuff like
> > var xhr=new iframe.contentWindow.XMLHttpRequest()
> This is not a corner case in actual content. If it was we would made
> it work the same way it does in Workers.

The precise definition of "corner case" is a hair I have no intention of 
helping you split :-)

Hallvord R. M. Steen
Core tester, Opera Software

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