On 2/5/13 10:12 PM, Erik Arvidsson wrote:
In ES6 speak, we have split the "new Foo(...args)" expression into
"Foo.call(Foo[@@create](), ...args)" which means that creating the
instance has been separated from the call to the function.

So in particular this allows creation of "uninitialized" instances in some sense, yes?

function MyButton() {

This won't work right given how HTMLButtonElement is currently defined in WebIDL. Need to fix that at the very least.

MyButton.prototype = Object.create(HTMLButtonElement.prototype, {
document.register(‘x-button’, MyButton);

And the point is that document.register changes the [[Construct]] of MyButton but does nothing else with it?

What happens if the same function is registered for several different tag names, in terms of what happens with the [[Construct]]?

* Just before entering script,

Define, please. How does one determine this, in a rendering engine implementation? I certainly have no way to tell, in Gecko, when I'm "entering script", offhand....


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