On 03/05/2013 21:05 , Florian Bösch wrote:
It can be implemented by a JS library, but the three reasons to let the
browser provide it are Convenience, speed and integration.

Also, one of the reasons we compress things is because they're big.* Unpacking in JS is likely to mean unpacking to memory (unless the blobs are smarter than that), whereas the browser has access to strategies to mitigate this, e.g. using temporary files.

Another question to take into account here is whether this should only be about zip. One of the limitations of zip archives is that they aren't streamable. Without boiling the ocean, adding support for a streamable format (which I don't think needs be more complex than tar) would be a big plus.

* Captain Obvious to the rescue!

Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/ - @robinberjon

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