OK, I just finished making my way through the public-script-coord
thread [I'm not on that list, but someone pointed me to it].  I have
no official objections to you editing a spec based on Jonas's
proposal, but I do have a couple of questions:

1) Why is this on public-script-coord instead of public-webapps?
2) Is any vendor other than Mozilla actually interested in this
proposal?  When it was brought up on public-webapps, and at the
WebApps F2F, it dropped with a resounding thud.

Given the standardization failure of the Chrome FileSystem API, this
could be a massive waste of time.  Or it could just be a way for
Mozilla to document its filesystem API, since we've already got
documentation of the Chrome API, but then you don't need to drag
public-script-coord into that.

I may have a few small bits of feedback on the color of the bikeshed,
but mostly I'm going to stay out of it, lest I accidentally give the
impression that we're going to implement it.  As I stated at the F2F,
we'll be the last ones to do it, but if 2 major browser vendors ship
it first, we'll certainly consider it.

On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 3:11 PM, Arun Ranganathan <a...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> Greetings Eric and WG,
> The Chair and I were discussing setting up repositories for the 
> specifications discussed here 
> (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2013JulSep/0307.html), 
> notably the FileSystem API and File API v2.  Before creating a repository to 
> edit the FileSystem API, we thought we'd check with you about the first 
> proposal, which Chrome implements, and get the Google perspective.
> You've edited the first FileSystem API proposal, which currently lives here 
> (http://www.w3.org/TR/file-system-api/).  Can I create a repository and edit 
> the other proposal for FileSystem API, which currently exists as an email 
> thread 
> (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-script-coord/2013JulSep/0379.html)
>  ?
> Just checking to see if there are any objections or concerns that would stop 
> a draft or future WG activity.  Of course, technical nits should be heard as 
> well, and can proceed concurrently with a draft :)
> -- A*

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