From: Boris Zbarsky [] 

> Consider this IDL:
>   dictionary Dict1 {
>     long a = 5;
>   };
>   dictionary Dict2 {
>     sequence<Dict1> dicts;
>   }
>   void foo(optional Dict2 arg);
> How would you express eqivalent semantics with destructuring?

function foo({ dicts: [...dict1s] } = undefined) { }

gets pretty close. (`= undefined` is unnecessary, of course, but I include it 
for clarity.) All that remains is some kind of annotation to ensure that every 
element of `dict1s` also gets destructured as `let { a } = dict1s[0]` etc., and 
then type coercion `let numberA = Number(a)`.

> How does destructuring take care of making sure that arg.dicts is a new array?

As you can see this is taken care of.

> How does it ensure arg.dicts[0] is a new object with an "a" property, not 
> whatever was passed in?

Indeed, there is no way to set up a destructuring pattern for every element in 
a sequence, but destructuring is still the approach you will want to use, i.e. 
`let { a } = dict1s[i]` in a loop.

> And in any case it does not do any coercion on arg.dicts[0].a.

Indeed, I think we've said a few times in this thread that the biggest piece 
any IDL needs that is not provided by JS is type coercions.

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