On 13/09/13 14:29, Arthur Barstow wrote:
Hi All - three threads about TPAC 2013 and WebApps' November 11-12 in

1. WebApps meeting November 11-12:

* You Must register for the meeting

* WebApps meeting page
<http://www.w3.org/wiki/Webapps/November2013Meeting>. Input on the
agenda is of course welcome (but feel free to directly edit this page).
I have  been thinking about setting aside some portion of Tuesday Nov 12
for test case writing so any comments on that idea are welcome (perhaps
all of Tuesday afternoon).

FWIW I think the most productive use of this "testing" time would be to spend some time getting the group up to speed on how testcase review works and then trying to clear some of the review backlog. The members of the WG are exactly the people who are best placed to review test submissions, but at the moment this is not happening and it is causing problems. Of course I will be happy if people want to spend the time writing tests rather than reviewing them.

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