Hi Art,

Arthur Barstow <art.bars...@nokia.com>, 2013-10-05 08:00 -0400:

> On 10/4/13 8:12 PM, ext Dimitri Glazkov wrote:
> >A better view of bugs is here: 
> >https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/showdependencytree.cgi?id=14968&hide_resolved=1
> >
> >The only remaining bug is to coordinate with Math and SVG working groups
> >to make sure that they don't step on our dashes:
> >https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=23256
> >
> >Everything else is in the Level 2 pile. If there's a better way to mark
> >these up, let me know.
> That's a good question. I don't recall WebApps agreeing on a specific
> mechanism for tagging bugs for the next level/version.
> One option is to set Severity to Enhancement and/or the Priority to one of
> the lower levels. Another option is to use the Whiteboard field.

The Whiteboard field is the easiest and lightest-weight way. That lets
individual editors use whatever values they want that are appropriate to
their particular specs. So Dimitri could just put "Level 2" in the
Whiteboard field and optionally maybe also change the status to

> (I kinda' like using Severity/Enhancement because it is visible in a
> component's default list view but I don't have a strong preference.)
> Mike, All - do you have a recommendation for Dimitri (and the rest of
> WebApps)?

Another option that's not as lightweight as using the Whiteboard field is,
we could create a set of Target Milestone values for the WebApps bugzilla
product, and those would be available to all WebApps components. We'd need
to first decide on what the set of values should be.


Michael[tm] Smith http://people.w3.org/mike

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