You can only build a synchronous API on top of an asynchronous API if they
are (a) running in separate threads/processes AND (b) the sync thread can
synchronously poll (busy loop) for the progress/completion of the async
On Oct 12, 2013 1:23 AM, "" <> wrote:

> >> Synchronous APIs are easier to use since it's how things have been done
> since decades ago,
> >
> >
> > No, they're easier to use because they fit the model of linear human
> thought more naturally.  The idea that asynchronous APIs are just as good
> and easy as synchronous APIs, and that people only disagree because of lack
> of experience with asynchronous APIs, is mistaken.  APIs must be designed
> around how programmer's minds actually work, not how you'd like them to
> work.
> >
> I agree that APIs should have the least-surprise-factor, but are you sure
> that's the reason why we use to program in a synchronous, linear way?
> Because I've always though it was an heritage of the batch-processing
> machines of the '60s... I don't believe event-oriented programming fit bad
> with how humans thinks because the nature is event-oriented (if this then
> that), and I don't believe I'm an alien so that's the reason I think in a
> different way...
> >> but the required POSIX-like APIs would be better developed as external
> libraries on top of the asynchronous ones.
> >
> > You can't build synchronous APIs on top of asynchronous APIs without the
> mechanism this thread is specifically about.
> >
> I've always been taught that you can implement one on top of the other...
> :-/ Obviously, asynchronous on top of synchronous is fairly easier thsn in
> the other way...

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