* Brian Di Palma wrote:
>Neither did I mean it to be taken to mean "This work is rushed". I said,
>"I get the feeling that Web Components seems a specification that
>seems really pushed/rushed",
>by that I meant it seemed as if the current spec is being pushed as
>fast as possible toward standardization.

As far as I can tell, the Web Components proponents have been very clear
in the past that they want something very soon, including that they are
willing to live with issues that cannot be solved soon. So, sure, they
are pushing this.

>I was not commenting on the amount of time put into making the spec
>but more the amount of time given to interested parties to digest,
>implement, and comment on it.

I believe the general sentiment in the Working Group is that feedback
coming from people developing applications running in web browsers is
extremely sought after. They do not, however, have much of an interest
in creating an environment where such people can easily and do gladly
provide such feedback when it would be most useful. Ordinarily there
would be mandatory procedures Working Groups and Working Group parti-
cipants are held to that should provide such an environment.

But as you can see in a nearby thread, it's already too much to ask of
the Chairs that they make sure Apple and Mozilla have finished their
final review of the "Custom Elements" draft and are satisfied that all
their comments have been addressed before considering it ready for Last
Call. That has destroyed Last Call as a synchronisation mechanism, you
cannot use it to prioritise reviews because you do not know whether any
given Last Call will have one, two, or six more following it. That re-
sults in "late" comments and late changes which make temporal planning
impossible. People get frustrated that things take so long, that they
cannot keep up with the pace, stuff falls through the cracks, and so on.
Björn Höhrmann · mailto:bjo...@hoehrmann.de · http://bjoern.hoehrmann.de
Am Badedeich 7 · Telefon: +49(0)160/4415681 · http://www.bjoernsworld.de
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