On Dec 5, 2013, at 10:58 PM, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote:
> On 12/6/13 1:49 AM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
>> Then how do we define a custom element using ES6 classes?  Are we going to 
>> not call the constructor?
> An excellent question, indeed.  I don't have a good answer for you.

It appears to me that we should definitely have a good answer for this question 
before the specification reaches CR
given that the definition of ES6 classes is pretty stable at this point.

> If we do make elements subclassable (which it seems like we should), we would 
> presumably need to make the actual default constructor of the built-in 
> element classes a no-op, since we can't actually rely on the subclass calling 
> it.  All the relevant setup would need to be done by @@create.
> Given that, we could maybe cheat and in fact do some sort of delayed calling 
> of the constructor of ES6 subclasses of elements.  You'd still be able to 
> observe these objects in an "unconstructed" state from the subclass pov, but 
> at least it wouldn't be a security issue in terms of operating on a DOM 
> that's in an inconsistent state from the point of view of privileged code.

Right.  I know it sounds so cheesy but I was suggesting something along that 

> It's not clear to me how OK such an "unconstructed" state is.  I suppose it's 
> no worse than someone extending the ES6 subclass in question and then never 
> calling its constructor...  But that's a programming error on the someone's 
> part, typically, while here we would be effectively forcing this sort of 
> thing on all Element subclasses.

I think the question is how observable such a delay is and what implications it 
would have.

> All that still seems more palatable than trying to completely revise HTML 
> parsing to be robust to constructors running when the element is created….


> Might be worth checking on public-script-coord to see what the TC39 folks 
> think about all this.

Sounds like a good idea.

- R. Niwa

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