On Dec 8, 2013, at 12:19 PM, Daniel Freedman <dfre...@google.com> wrote:
> Developers want data-binding, and the auto cloning <template> does not give 
> them a favorable timing model.
> They want to set those up before the ShadowDOM is stamped, on a per-instance 
> level.
> If they were to use the automatic template, it would be far too late, and 
> there could be unnecessary network requests or FOUC.

Indeed.  This is why we've included a data binding feature in our original 

We can refine it further to make it more library/framework friendly.  In fact, 
I'm already in contact with Rafael. W. about this.

> To remove a bit of vaguness from this scenario, Polymer elements use 
> data-binding in almost all cases.
> Event handlers, computed properties, MVC, everywhere.
> As such, no Polymer element would use the automatic <template> registration 
> argument.
> I doubt that elements created with other libraries like Ember or Angular 
> would make much use of it either.

Sure, but that doesn't mean non-framework authors wouldn't use this feature for 
simple use cases to stamp out the shadow DOM with a static template.

> However, if some low level data-binding primitives were introduced to the 
> platform, there would be some real merit in an automatic template argument. 
> There would have to be some modifications to the proposal, such as adding 
> hooks for data-binding information to be given to the template instance, but 
> I think those details can be discussed when such a data-binding spec arrives.

That seems entirely reasonable, and we're indeed interesting in spec'ing such a 

> Until data-binding primitives arise, I think this automatic template is a 
> premature discussion.

Let us spec that automatic template mechanism then.

- R. Niwa

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